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 Makenzie Dale


The moment you enter the Now with your attention, you notice life is sacred. There is a sacredness to everything you perceive when you are present. The more you live in the Now, the more you sense the simple yet profound joy of Being

- Eckhart Tolle


3 Words to Describe My Classes

Pranayama, philosophy, groovy

Favourite local business

SoulSpeak Yoga, duh

Favourite way to move my body

Intuitively, in a way that feels right {yoga}.

One thing I would change about the health/wellness/fitness industry if I could

Accessibility, while we are seeing strides with health & wellness practices becoming more accessible there is still a lot of work to be done.

Favourite song to teach to

Anything Alaskan Tapes & Slow Meadow {emo for life}.

What are you best in the world at


Favourite way to unwind

Cozy with a book and a joint. 

Connect with Mak